Monthly Archives: September 2014

Happy September 11th – 2014

September 11th is here. Welcome to this celebrated holiday, an occasion which has killed a few thousand of people, affected thousands on a personal level, and millions more on an emotional one. An occasion used as an excuse to send an army across the world to kill several thousands, affect millions on a personal level, and the entire planet on an emotional one. The balance of proportionality is absurd.

I’ve made my thoughts on the events of 9/11 known back in 2009, and they still ring true (in an older and wiser presentation, that is). The outrageous tragedy that resulted from the initial tragedy continues to be downplayed, while those who point it out don’t get their due. So the hell with it. Happy September 11th. Now enjoy a crappy photoshopped image of El Jefe De Wisco at the World Trade Center when things started to go boom.

Happy September 11th 2014

Things Are Happening Places: BST’s 45th Anniversary – Indiegogo Campaign

This is the 45th year Broom Street Theater has been in operation. I’ve gotten a fondness of the place since last year, and to wonder about the struggles it goes through to bring entertaining acts ever boggles my mind. They make due with what they can while still making themselves fairly available to audiences, but repairs and upgrades are an eventuality, which is why they are likely in the midst of an Indiegogo campaign. As of this writing they are still under $1000, which is a far cry from the $4500 they are seeking. Care to spread some care to the theater that dares? *cringe* Yeah, that was bad. But really, consider the option. In supplement to this, consider seeing the Delicious Festival which will be showing through the month of September. So much Deliciousness on the rise.

Things Are Happening Places: Christmas with the Crawfords – Auditions

Christmas with the Crawfords Auditions Promo Sept 2014

StageQ is in the midst of prepping for the Christmas spirit, and auditions for Christmas with the Crawfords is right around the corner. Well, specifically September 8th & 9th with callbacks on the 10th. I sadly know next to nothing of this (there’s a trend here), but the idea of watching a story set in Hollywood’s “Golden Era” with actors in drag just makes me smile. Interested persons should prepare and bring music to sing, because CwtC is a musical as well, and dang does that make me happy. The show will run December 5th – 20th, so be prepared for a viewing. Christmas takes a lot out of us, after all, and it goes down easier with a bit of comedy.