Tag Archives: Project Famous

Status Update 2016.6.5


It’s been a time since I said or shared anything about myself. While I would say it’s because nothing is happening, something is always happening. I just seem to have lost the ability to care to share what is inside my head as I used to. An odd circumstance I’ve always been meaning to change be looking through my headspace and clearly noting what is there upon this blog. Now is good a time as any. For a bit, because priorities, I guess. Continue reading

Aloha Project Famous, 2012 – 2015

Let us reminisce together. I first heard of Project Famous through Meetup in 2012, a social website MilTownKid got me into, though didn’t take advantage of until that time. The Meetup was created by Joey Broyles, and it fashioned itself as a safe and friendly environment to connect and create things, and would be proactive on getting all the projects we wanted done. Given my desire to create things and in desperate need of friendly connections, I jumped in and supported it from day one. Good things came about from our works. That much I can say as I look back on things, sad as I am about what happened in the long run.

I eventually moved to Madison in the hopes of working closer with those in Project Famous. It didn’t pan out. One – suicidal depression doesn’t leave you much creative energy to work with, and I’ve only been getting a turn around since June 2015. Two – leadership and participation was poorly understood. No one was being active with each other, be it presenting ideas or helping projects. It was as if people were waiting to be told what to do, rather than take initiative with others and create something. Continue reading

Queer Shorts 10 – In Summary

It’s been a time since Queer Shorts 10 happened over at the Bartell Theatre, and I’ve always intended to follow through on talking about it with a special someone. Only a little bit was covered, and having recently found the program from the production, I thought I would list my thoughts out over each play. Because a blog that doesn’t have at least weekly content is a blog without purpose. Or at least that’s the logic I’m going with at this time. As always, getting things done, even if they aren’t necessarily the best course of actions. It’s how I function to get at that which does need doing Eventually. Continue reading

One Year Anniversary of This Horrible Despicable Depressing Life

I’m a tad drunk right now, so this is of course the best time to talk about the depression that has consumed my life for almost the past year. A little over one year ago, I dropped everything in my life with other people: projects, communications, plans, etc. so I could focus on me and the things I needed to do for myself. What I found was I couldn’t even do that, and spiraled into a deeper depression because I was unwilling to establish connections with those I felt wanted nothing to do with me. Self harm was the only logical solution to me in an illogical sense, because lashing out at the world would have meant the end of me anyway, and I would have much rather hurt myself than those I thought mattered. That they matter at all is another thing entirely, because the point is in my head they mattered a hell of a lot, which is lovely and horrible all at once.

So…what has changed? If I was exceptionally critical of my standing, I would say not much. I’m still the vile shit fellow who no one wants anything to do with, that makes everyone uncomfortable to the point of ignoring the poor pitiful fellow, and can’t tell which way is correct even when a map is laid out for it. But the critic in me has gotten a tad tired of things, and I would much rather be ignorant of the bad stuff in my life and focus upon that which invokes the grandiose within me. If that isn’t progress, I don’t know what is. Continue reading

Things Are Happening Places: Christy Grace’s Art & Soul Closing Party

Christ Grace Art Soul Party Promo Aug 2014A little something special is happening at the Art & Soul Tattoo and Gallery come August 28th. Christy Grace will be closing out the showing of her art with a party, and if you haven’t seen her work in person yet you’re in for a treat. Open to the public, the party starts up at 5 PM with food and beverages to satisfy the body while you satisfy your mind. Things start to get interesting at 7 PM, when Christy starts a live body art demo. Someone will be transformed into a canvas for the work off Christy! What will it be? You could wait for pictures, but things like this need to be experienced first hand, so get there if you can.

Things Are Happening Places: Plenty o’ Musicians at the High Noon

High Noon Music Venture Promo Aug 2014

Music is always happening at the High Noon Saloon. And come this Thursday, August 14, the musical acts of CHANTS, Midas Bison, Annabel Lee, and Joey Broyles are coming round. Recently had an update as to how Joey rocks it in the now, finally saw Annabel during the pride shenanigans this past weekend, but I’ve yet to know the wonder of Chants and Midas. Someday when money and time permits! For now, consider the venture, and let me know how glorious it all was, alright? Need to tease the need.

Things Are Happening Places: Future Pop Revolution (Joey Broyles Album)

Future Pop Joey EP Promo July 2014

August 5th, 2014. Across the world, the Internet, and in your minds. That is the release date of Future Pop Revolution, the first official album Joey Broyles will be released. This album (or intended to be released versions of it) has been delayed for about as long as Joey has been promoting it…which feels like forever! Which is why I’m damn glad to see this coming about. To appreciate the music that’s about to be released, how about pre-gaming with Joey’s SoundCloud, ReverbNation, Broadjam, or wherever his music can be found. The Revolution is almost upon us.

UPDATE: Apparently there is yet another delay. The album will now be released on September 2nd. Deep breathes. The wait will make the release that more intense. And if you need a little more tease, there is still a musical gathering of the intended release held at Funk’s Pub.

Things Are Happening Places: Misfits of Madison – THE TRA$H ROYALTY PARTY

Misfits of Madison July 2014

Have major props to give to Joey Broyles for bringing around Project Famous. If it weren’t for him I wouldn’t be poor and miserable in the big city! I mean closer to a city of potential opportunity! Yeah! Things have been rocking for Joey fairly hard this past year as well, and the show has gotten fairly intense…at least that’s the impression I’m getting from those who are part of or go to the show. There’s video too, but that never really conveys the full show like it needs to, trust me. Because despite the fact I’ve been following Joey’s journey along, I haven’t been to a show since Fruit Fest 2013, and the current show is very different from what I saw then. So…I have some catching up to do. Continue reading

Things Are Happening Places: Makeshift Media Group & Project Famous Films Showcase

Makeshift Media Group n Project Famous Films Showcase June 2014

You wouldn’t really guess it from the way I’ve been floundering about for the past year, but filmmaking is fairly big to me. It’s a medium I’ve been learning through YouTube as a hobby, and I’ve hoped to make it a full time thing…as silly as that sounds. Truth be told, there isn’t much money in filmmaking unless you’re lucky or really get the business aspect of it. There’s also the fact you need to be good at what you do, which not only means skill but consistency and speed. I has none because of past stated reasons in my oh so emo blog here, so I won’t go into it again. What I will go into is how awesome I think the filmmaking crowd here in Madison is, and if/when/ever I get my head out of my ass, heads will roll (with boredom?). Continue reading

Things Are Happening Places: Know Better Productions – Dramatic Readings

Know Better Pro - Lottery Dramatic Reading June 2014

Through Project Famous I got to know an amazing collective of people, two of which have played major parts in a few productions over the two years PF has been running: Simone LaPierre and Brian Belz. Both are rocking folk who have been kicking it in the creative scene within Madison for some time. They are both a part of Know Better Productions (website out of date, so check out their Facebook Page), which “[does] theatre and other things such as filmmaking/dancing/photography/making web pages/and more,” as it’s quoted from MadStage. While it could just be a case of me not paying attention, to date there is really only one production they’ve made thus far, which a performance of The Eight: Reindeer Monologues. Continue reading