Monthly Archives: September 2013

Talking D&D: Final Fantasy

Back in the day I said I would make good on a promise to create a class for another Dungeons & Dragons enthusiast. I made good on that promise, experiencing full well the troubles of making something balanced, and still making something that felt more like a joke than something a Player can legitimately use. Mind you I’ve still yet to play the class as written and already have ideas for rewrites, so it could still be a decent class if I can just get the data to show it to be the case. Any takers? Point being, I feel it’s my duty to make something else with a bit of seriousness this time, and thought it would be fun to make a custom monster from a very popular series of fantasy games: Final Fantasy.

Something like this is nothing new, as anyone with a simple Google search can tell you. I’ve had this idea for awhile but never really committed to it, so when I saw others took on the task before me, I had to take a look. And immediately headdesked. As it is with all fandoms, a lot of people wish to spread their love of it into other mediums like I’m doing. Problem being there are a lot of people who have no business doing it, either because they can’t do the source any justice, don’t know what they are doing, or insert too much of themselves into the task. The last item is fairly constant in fan fiction…and I’m guilty of that as well. Neopets is Serious Business, yo. Continue reading

Geek.Kon 2013 – In Summary

On August 24, 2013, I attended Geek.Kon 2013, the only other convention I went to other than Anime Central. Given how I’ve always written something about ACen after coming home (six articles over the years…and counting), it only made sense to write something for Geek.Kon as well, you know? Granted it’s not going to be as large because I didn’t work the convention and only went there one day on my own dime, but got to give some notice to it, you know? Continue reading

40 Days & 40 Nights: Pants

And thus I can pleasure myself again without any guilt, aside from the standard guilt society would place on me for not finding a mate. Not that doing so would be in my best interest, but as it goes. Needless to say I’ve failed the Lent, but it was to be expected. Habits die hard, though I thankfully wasn’t going out of my mind like I was last time. No messed up dreams, wonky sleep schedules, or other issues one would expect. Just fairly normal frustration one with no outlet would come to expect, otherwise business as usual. That’s an improvement I suppose, so I’ll have to see what should happen to me next time I should take this up. Hell, the fact I’m even considering this shows I’m getting better at this sort of thing. I think.

Now it’s time to get serious. The next Lent is one I’ve been thinking on for awhile now, and I’ve been thinking on it long enough that the thought of thinking on it anymore makes me sick, especially knowing I can’t do it during the Winter. Given how I now know I have a history of going through depression during Winter, I don’t want to deal with even more loathsome regret because of being too chicken shit to follow through on something I actually want to do. But this is indeed not only a big sacrifice, but one that will actually effect how I’m treated in public. I’ve been meaning to disturb the universe for awhile now, however, so the heck with it. It’s settled: I will be giving up pants for the next 40 days & nights. Continue reading