Monthly Archives: August 2011

Talking D&D: Elder Evils

Throughout the lot of my D&D play, I’ve never really gone the path of single adventures, even when I first began as a DM. It’s always been through the long scope of a campaign, otherwise known as a series of adventures usually with a central plot. More to the point I’ve never worked from a single module, and I think that’s even a more drastic failure on my part, but I digress. The usual point of the campaign is to have a big climatic finish which (sometimes) ties up the central plot, giving a high note for players to leave the gaming table.

I’ll be blunt to say it’s hard to please players, more so when you’re trying to please a table of players, whom probably won’t care about the story of the world around them but about their story and outcome. So conceiving an Endgame is a challenge like no other, because it will likely not live up to the hype and scrutiny of the players, especially if the game has been rocky up to that point. I’ve always preferred the method which gave the least amount of stress, so I just try and have fun with the game and the supposed grand end, and let the players decide what was great. Though I suppose if I wanted to go balls out I could always use the WTF factor of Elder Evils. Yes, I’m finally talking about it as promised. Moving on… Continue reading

Conversations with a Therapist #8 – To Hell With Politics

“What are Politics?” is what I asked my therapist. And for the life of me I don’t know what he told me. Something along the lines of, “the jibber jabber of what goes on between politicians?” Pretty good summary if you ask me, though I’m sure there was more to it than that. Politics? More like pile of dicks, right?

Okay, enough joking around, because politics is serious business. It’s the word we use whenever we speak on the workings of government, and that deserves our full attention. It’s important to know what’s going down, yes, but it’s more important to make sure the politicians are kept in line. Me? I’m more of the mind with V (and apparently Thomas Jefferson) that the government should fear their people. Because as far as I can see, the government works under one rule: The rich will always get richer. Continue reading