40 Days & 40 Nights: Porn

So I finally got through my Lent with Channel Awesome and all related material. It was otherwise an easy task, save the days I noted tweets from the producers or the very last day in which I had another 24 hours to do and thought it was already over. Already caught myself up with a few of the videos I haven’t watched since last month, along with the first part of Suburban Knights. Looking good off the bat, though I’m noting acting mistakes such as shifty eyes, wincing at actions where there should be none, looking at the camera, and other amateur ticks that keep you from delving too deep into the work. Mind you, I’m as amateur as they come, and considering the weight of what they have created, it’s really a non-issue. It’s worth checking out should you enjoy fantasy and pop culture on any level, so….boom!

Now comes the next 40 days & 40 nights…what to do with myself? I thought on that as I watched fellows rip Duke Nukem Forever, and I found it difficult to come up with. Sure, I thought on this before and considered some good options, but the lot of them were too early or improper to be giving up at this time. There’s of course Neopets, which I’ve sadly (gladly?) jumped into again, and it would be yet another Internet item I could lose to gain more time. Despite this I’m currently working on dealings with other users, so dropping it cold turkey as of right now isn’t in the cards. Will possibly be for the next run through, so huzzah for that.

Another big item in my life is the Internet in general, but that’s not happening ever. I’m far too entrenched in its use to let it go. Perhaps that’s the point, but it would mean negative progress rather than positive in my life at this time, so no dice. There’s also chocolate, which is delicious and awesome, but that’s usually only bought once every two weeks, albeit in large quantities. Comic books are viable as well even though I haven’t bought a comic in over half a year, because I read plenty of webcomics. Don’t think this can give me a huge boon to where I want to be, other than applying my memory to something useful rather than several plots through sequential art.

And then it hit me when I began to sort through the clutter of my bookmarks. I was quite surprised when I realized it, because it really is a big part of my life, though I don’t go off thinking of it all the time. Just when the mood strikes me of course, and while that is a lot it’s usually out of mind when not in sight (or have access to my computer). If it isn’t fairly obvious at this point, I am of course talking about pornography. That “dirty” little word that everyone talks about but don’t really talk about.

On my feelings, it’s a nice outlet to stimulate the mind and body when there’s really nothing around to stimulate it otherwise. More so, it’s a medium and word given power due to the current oppressive education model of sex, where it’s not really practiced or spoken of till you’re considered a legal adult, and by that point nobody cares to teach you because you’re a “big boy/girl” now. Sex is a scary thing to a lot of people, and it leads to a lot of hypocrisy because it’s something we all (mostly) crave. As such, porn exists and will always exist, being the primal outlet for others to share and appreciate in something we all do yet don’t really admit to one another.

Not to say that I’m all for porn, but I’m for why it’s there and the hopeful progress which will make people not so opposed and reliant on it. The driving force against porn comes from religion, which is a joke because most religions expect us to mate (preferably with one of the opposite sex). Certain Feminists are opposed as well, while the rest see it as sexual empowerment. Some of their ideas have merit and deserve thought, but it has more to do with the evolution of porn and the human condition than saying, “porn is wrong.” Pornography is a market that’s always going to exist regardless of what laws are enforced, so it’s better to make laws and actions which help develop than hinder. Prohibition brought on incredible crime in 1920-1933, and while I would be a fool to say there wouldn’t be any sex trafficking in an educated world, it wouldn’t be as bad an outcome if porn and sex in general was restricted.

Considering my long years with porn, I think the biggest joke is the fact I never spent a single cent on it. Everything I’ve ever used has been hand-me-downs or freely available. The closest I’ve come to actual payment comes from my Internet fee, but it’s more a side effect than actual intent. Let’s face it: the Internet is for porn. There’s plenty to be had round, and should you find the right locales there’s mountains of crap to see. Sometimes literal crap as well, though that’s never been my thing…and I hope it isn’t yours. Being on the Internet all the time doesn’t help either, because it’s ever so simple when it’s just a few keystrokes away. Being more responsible for myself and my time needs to be examined, and dropping porn seems the best course of action in that regard.

Now even though I’m giving up on the porn through this portion of Lent, this does not mean I’m giving up on the masturbation (yes, there is a Wikipedia article for that with many informative pictures). Hell no! This is merely a reprieve from visual stimuli, and I’ll likely keep on fapping seeing as I’m young dumb and full of cum single man without a booty call. And no, I have no problem admitting that or speaking on the subject, because we all otherwise do it (except women, who also don’t poop). Though I can say you will never see me at a Masturbate-a-thon. Gods no. Though I wouldn’t mind filming it for awesome. But then again there’s a first for everything, so we’ll just see.

And that’s that. Official now till September 1, 2011, my eyes will not willfully see pornography. I cannot be held responsible should someone show me such material or I happen to catch something with my eye, considering sex is everywhere. Even so, I can certainly look away the moment it’s noted. Going to be an interesting run, though I’m keen on giving myself a shock in the weeks to come. As it was with That Guy With The Glasses and company, will certainly put a spin on my Internet activity. Hopefully time will be better spent somewhere else, because again lord knows I need the focus.

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11 thoughts on “40 Days & 40 Nights: Porn

  1. […] I got through my time without porn. Did I succeed? Technically. I’m sure if I would be as critical of myself as I […]

  2. elvalentino September 30, 2011 at 2:06 am Reply

    Good I wish you all the best. I can personally admit that I used to be hooked on porn but after some time I came to realize porn was my ‘comfort zone’ and that it was synthetic and really just
    covering up a hole within me.

    A good program I took to help me defeat my habit is called the Candeo program –

    I can vouch that it is a really good program, as it goes into the neuroscience of porn
    adiction and the habits that take place (and also how to overcome them)

    I wish you all the best man, you should defiantly take a check of that program
    and write down any notes 🙂

    • JoeSomebody2 September 30, 2011 at 2:54 am Reply

      The 40 Days & Nights were a success (for the most part)! Was a little aggravating, but manageable all the same. 😛 In regards to Candeo, I’m sure it’s a fine program, though…I’m a tad broke. Besides, the support I need is all around me in the social network I have. At least I hope that’s the case. Being strapped for cash tends to keep me in the dark. 😉

  3. […] my lack of a sex life, and onto my mission. If anything, this is simply a supercharged version of a previous Lent, where in I not only need to keep myself away certain stimuli, but also can’t satisfy a need […]

  4. 2011 In Review | Joe's Ranting Place January 1, 2012 at 1:48 pm Reply

    […] next most popular post I wrote dealt with my pact to do without porn, and while Railroading got more views, it was because of this post my viewership almost doubled. […]

  5. […] impressive to see how far I’ve come. I still watch Channel Awesome constantly, still look at porn and most assuredly masturbate to it, still consume chocolate like a fiend and play games like […]

  6. […] attempting for my next 40, I’m going to do a cop-out and just try without Porn…again. I’m just not in the mood to try some of my other fun ideas at this time, and given […]

  7. […] porn weren’t as exciting this time around. I knew what to expect and how to cope due to my previous attempt, but a refresher is always nice. I still failed, mind you, but changes in lifestyle make for […]

  8. […] up Channel Awesome because I was watching too many reviewers while not getting my own work done. Porn was given its own attempt as well (twice actually), though I merely went to other avenues to arouse […]

  9. trimidium January 5, 2015 at 10:17 pm Reply

    I have a secret porn search engine on my website. Not to worry though, it won’t tarnish my reputation since it’s a feature only my user account can access. I considered making it an option for everybody over the age of 18 but that’s not really what my website is supposed to be about ya know.

    • JoeSomebody2 January 5, 2015 at 10:32 pm Reply

      I’m fairly certain pornography is an accepted thing among most adults, so I don’t think the idea of tarnishing is viable. Mind you I tend to think a lot of things as “normal/abnormal” only to get schooled at some point, so what do I know? Can say that my admissions on my blog haven’t brought any harm, or at least that which is visible. 😉

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